Lahore To Bahawalpur Train Ticket Price | Time Schedule | Online Booking
Lahore to Bahawalpur Train Journey
Every day, a multitude of individuals embark on trips from Lahore to Bahawalpur for various purposes. Covering a distance of approximately 440 kilometers, the journey by road typically takes around 5 hours and 30 minutes. However, aside from traveling by bus, another efficient and swift option for commuting between these two cities is by train.
Traversing from Lahore to Bahawalpur by train offers a convenient and enjoyable experience, with numerous trains operating directly on this route. For comprehensive information about train services, routes, and timings, look no further than Here, we provide all the details you need for your train journey from Lahore to Bahawalpur.
Lahore to Bahawalpur Train Timing:
The first and most crucial step in planning your trip is selecting the most suitable time and day for travel. It’s essential to check the arrival and departure timings of the trains and organize your journey accordingly. offers comprehensive information on train services, including the timetable of trains operating from Lahore to Bahawalpur.
(Note: Timings may vary, so ensure to verify the live schedule while booking your tickets through the app or website.)”
Train Name | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Allama Iqbal Express | 12:00 | 19:05 |
Tezgam Express | 13:50 | 20:46 |
Pak Business Express | 15:30 | 21:16 |
Khyber Mail | 07:50 | 15:50 |
Karakoram Express | 16:30 | 03:45 |
Karachi Express | 17:00 | 23:26 |
Jaffar Express | 14:40 | 21:42 |
Green Line | 20:35 | 01:40 |
Shalimar Express | 06:00 | 12:42 |
Lahore To Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price
When traveling from Lahore to Bahawalpur by train, ticket prices vary depending on the chosen class of service. The prices are influenced by the facilities provided in each class, including economy, AC berth, AC business, or AC sleeper compartments. Discounts on ticket prices are often available when booking through the app or website. Below are the Lahore to Bahawalpur train ticket prices:
(Note: Prices may fluctuate based on travel route, so it’s advisable to check live prices on
Train Name | Economy seat | Economy berth | AC business | AC standard | AC sleeper |
Allama iqbal express | 1150/-PKR | 1300/-PKR | 2400/-PKR | 1700/-PKR | 3500/-PKR |
Tezgam express | 1600/-PKR | 1450/-PKR | 2250/-PKR | 2200/-PKR | 4700/-PKR |
Pak business express | 1500/-PKR | 1250/-PKR | 2250/-PKR | 1800/-PKR | 3700/-PKR |
Khyber mail | 1350/-PKR | 1250/-PKR | 2400/-PKR | 1700/-PKR | 3500/-PKR |
Karakoram express | 1300/-PKR | 1350/-PKR | 2750/-PKR | 1700/-PKR | 1850/-PKR |
Karachi express | 1700/-PKR | 1250/-PKR | 2250/-PKR | 1800/-PKR | 3700/-PKR |
Jaffar express | 1200/-PKR | 1250/-PKR | 2250/-PKR | 1800/-PKR | 3900/-PKR |
Green line | 1450/-PKR | 1500/-PKR | 3150/-PKR | ||
Shalimar express | 1500/-PKR | 1350/-PKR | 2250/-PKR | 1850/-PKR | 4800/-PKR |
Lahore To Bahawalpur Online Booking:
To book tickets for the trains mentioned above, you have convenient options available. You can dial the Pakistan Railway helpline at 117 for assistance in booking your tickets. Alternatively, for E-Ticketing services, you can visit the official website:
Lahore To Bahawalpur Distance:
The distance between Lahore, and Bahawalpur is approximately 440 kilometers. Traveling this distance by rail typically takes around 6 to 7 hours, providing passengers with a comfortable journey.